1. الرئيسية
  2. منتدى معلمي الاردن العام
  3. منتدى المواضيع العامة
  4. Greek police pelted with PETROL BOMBS as masked attackers take to Turkish consulate (VIDEO)

Greek police pelted with PETROL BOMBS as masked attackers take to Turkish consulate (VIDEO)

Greek police pelted with PETROL BOMBS as masked attackers take to Turkish consulate (VIDEO)

It was a tense night in the Greek city of Thessaloniki as dozens of masked assailants attacked police guarding the Turk ..

04-03-2019 11:47 مساءً
بيسان القدومي
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 01-01-2018
رقم العضوية : 2
المشاركات : 1467
الجنس : ذكر
تاريخ الميلاد : 11-7-1996
الدعوات : 1
قوة السمعة : 10

5c7c2714fc7e936f268b45b4 It was a tense night in the Greek city of Thessaloniki as dozens of masked assailants attacked police guarding the Turkish consulate with Molotov cocktails. Officers responded with tear gas and stun grenades. <br/>Read Full Article at RT.com

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الكلمات الدلالية
Greek ، police ، pelted ، with ، PETROL ، BOMBS ، masked ، attackers ، take ، Turkish ، consulate ، VIDEO ،

الساعة الآن 08:41 PM