1. الرئيسية
  2. المراحل الدراسية
  3. الثاني الثانوي المواد المشتركة
  4. مادة اللغة الإنجليزية
  5. شرح درس DERIVATION اشتقاق الكلمات مادة اللغة الانجليزية للثاني الثانوي

شرح درس DERIVATION اشتقاق الكلمات مادة اللغة الانجليزية للثاني الثانوي

شرح درس DERIVATION اشتقاق الكلمات مادة اللغة الانجليزية للثاني الثانوي

شرح درس DERIVATION اشتقاق الكلمات مادة اللغة الانجليزية للثاني الثانوي شرح درس DERIVATION اشتقاق الكلمات مادة اللغة الان ..

05-04-2019 03:32 مساءً
surur wishahee
المدير العام
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 01-01-2018
رقم العضوية : 1
المشاركات : 10324
الدولة : الاردن
الجنس : ذكر
الدعوات : 7
قوة السمعة : 183
موقعي : زيارة موقعي

شرح درس DERIVATION اشتقاق الكلمات مادة اللغة الانجليزية للثاني الثانوي
شرح درس DERIVATION اشتقاق الكلمات مادة اللغة الانجليزية للثاني الثانوي
الاشتقاق Derivation
موقع الفعل  داخل الجملة         
  1)  Verb
1.to (verb)  فعل مجرد
2.فاعل                                    فعل (مضارع أو ماضي ) 
3. (Modals) will                                          Verbفعل مجرد          1     
4. (don’t / doesn’t / didn’t )                        Verb  1  فعل مجرد
5.Has , have , had                تصريف 3        P.P                                         
  موقع الظرف  داخل الجملة     
    2) Adverb 
1.Adverb,………………في بداية الجملة  قبل الفاصلة
2.فعل رئيسي    adverb  -ly
3.  be  ظرف              صفة 
4.  S  +  V)  main)  +    O      ظرف            جملة مكتملة  البناء               
  موقع الصفة  داخل الجملة 
  3)  Adjective   
1.صفة                        اسم
2.(a , an , the)                                  صفة                اسم
3.بعد افعال الربط          (look, seem, become, feel , get )                                صفة
4. beفعل مساعد          +  as        صفة                  as    …………
5. beفعل مساعد          more    صفة    …………
6. be فعل مساعد          the most  صفة              ……….
7. be فعل مساعد      ( so , too , very , absolutely…)                                      صفة               
8. فعل رئيسي          ( so , too , very , absolutely…)  -ly                                ظرف                 
9.  be أفعال الكينونة ( am, is , are , was, were , been , be )                                          صفة     
10.        be أفعال الكينونة ( am, is , are , was, were , been , be )              ظرف                            صفة         
موقع الاسم داخل الجملة 
  4)  Noun     
1.بداية الجملة (الفاعل)  Noun
2.بعد ادوات التعريف والنكرة  ………….a/ an / the  ……………  شرط عدم وجود فراغ بعد الاسم
3.اسم    صفة 
4.……………    this / these / that / those      Nounأسماء الإشارة   
5.بعد احرف الجر  (in, for, from, on, before, into, through out, between, at, of, under, with, without, up, about, to, by, out of, until, next to, till, near, during…..)              Noun 
6.……………ضمائر الملكية (my, his , her , its , our , their, your)                  اسم
-          The Student’s……………………….is good.  ( perform – performance)
7.………………………ملكية  ‘S………………….اسم
8.بعد الكلمات التالية( the , an ,a , no , one , any , some , many , much , a little , a few , another, other …)                  N

*أعزائي الطلبة هذه القاعدة مهمة جدا لأنه سؤال وزاري ثابت للمستوى الثالث والرابع " علامة هذا السؤال 4 علامات
* سوف يكون شرح مفصل وسهل أثناء الشرح داخل الغرفة الصفية. 

Words suffixesأهم الأحرف الزائدة للاشتقاق                                 

A) Noun suffixes:-
- tion ----------------- education, hesitation, suggestion
- sion ----------------- decision, comprehension, division
- ness ----------------- cleverness , darkness, sadness
- ity ----------------- ability, productivity, activity 
-dom --------------- freedom, kingdom, wisdom
-ship --------------- friendship, membership
-ance / - enes --------------importance, relevance, differences, independence
-ism --------------- nationalism, vandalism,
-Y ---------------- delivery, discovery
-ment --------------- investment, government, encouragement
-th ----------------- strength, truth, length, width
-city ------------- electricity, capacity
-age ---------------- courage, knowledge
-hood ----------------- childhood, motherhood, brotherhood
Lessness -------------------- carelessness, sleeplessness, breathlessness-
-ation ------------------ concentration, association, separation
-ant --------------- participant, pollutant
-eror ------------- teacher, discoverer, visitor, inventor
-ar ------------------liar
-ist --------------- artist, scientist, psychiatrist
-ing ---------------- canning, freezing, swimming
-ss -------------------- success, access
**-al --------------- betrothal, arrival, approval, proposal, betrayal
B) Verb suffixes:-
-fy ----------------- identify, verify, purify
-en ------------------ enlarge, strengthen, frighten, cam pen
-ize ----------------- socialize, colonize, vandalize
-ate --------------- participate, educate, cooperate
- ed ----------------- succeed
C) Adjective suffixes:-
-ary ----------------- necessary, voluntary, elementary
-ful ----------------- beautiful, helpful, successful
-y ------------------- dirty, windy, stormy, foggy
-less ----------- careless, useless, sleepless
-ous --------------- dangerous, courageous, various
-al ------------- educational, international, cultural
-ic ------------------- basic, electric, automatic
-ical ------------- economical, biological
-ableible --------------- comfortable, portable, valuable, visible, possible
-ive --------------- active, productive, decisive
-some ----------- handsome, wholesome, troublesome
-en ------------------ golden, wooden
-ing -------------- interesting, boring, exiting
**-ly --------------- lovely, friendly, likely
-ed ----------------- interested, bored, excited
-entant ------------ different, independent, important
-ian -------------------- Jordanian, Indian, Canadian
-ate ------------- private
-ish ---------------- foolish, Spanish, British,
-ese --------------- Japanese, Chinese
-I ------------- Omani, Iraqi, Qatari
D) Adverb suffixes:-
-ly ---------------- quickly, slowly, differently
**exeption:-{hard, fast, late, low} the same as adjectives

1. Earthquakes are example of……………………disasters.
(naturally, nature, natural)
2. It is the………..…….of parents to look after their children.
( respond, responsibility , responsible)
3. You must be……………….when you cross this road.
(careful, care, carefully)
4.……………….warming is leading to climate change.
(globe, global, globally
5.                Some of my friends agreed to ------------------- me with money.
(provide, provided, providing)

6.                Taj Mahal was ------------------ built of marble.
(create, creative, creation, creatively)
7.                People are worried about the threat of……………………….
( pollute , polluted , pollution )
8.                It is…………….to drive fast.
(danger, dangerous, dangerously)
9.                The………………of forests is harmful to the environment.
( destruction, destroy, destructive )
10.            ……………….is better than cure.
( Prevention , Prevent, Preventive )
امثلة المنهاج لقاعدة الاشتقاق.
1 – Many people believe that the worst crimes are murder and other………. acts.
( violence )
2 – There would be a …………………………….... situation in society . ( chaos )
3 – If there were no …….... systems , the situation would be bad . ( law )
4 – He left court a free man because he had proved that he was ………
( innocence )
5 – The jury said he wasn't …………………………………….. . ( guilt )
6 – Many people find out about the world by reading a ……….…… newspaper .
( day )
7 – The …………. of people never commit a crime . ( major )
8 – No rain has fallen in the region for two years . This has had
a ………….…. effect on crops . ( disaster )
9 – Omar felt very ………………. even though the accident was not his fault .
( guilt )
10 – during the storm , there were …….…….. scenes in the city . ( chaos )
11 – My weekly ……..…. s .are twice as much as they were last year . ( earn )
12 – The ……………….….. boom of the 1960s and 1970s was funded by oil.
( economy )
13 – And because there no clean drinking water, ……………….. spreads very
quickly through the population . ( infect )
14 – Some human activities are …….. the natural world .
( destroying , destruction , destroy )
15 – Average ………………… are expected to double in the next ten years .
( earn , earnings )
16 – It has been a ……...............…. year for the tea industry .
( disaster , disastrous , disastrously )
17 – Storms caused the .............…………of most of the crops .
( destroyed , destroy , destruction )

18 – Omar is good at languages and history but maths is his ………….…. .
( weak , weaken , weakness )
19 – Some people think the good journalists can't be too ………… .
( emotion , emotional )
20 – She is hard-working and can also ..............……. other people .
( motivate , motivation , motivated )
21 – The self-employed have to show ………………. about their working hours .
( flexible , flexibility )
22 – Ali is very clever and I don't know why he has no ……………. .
( confidence , confident , confidently )
الحل : -
Q 1 : -
1 – violent 2 – chaotic 3 – legal 4 – innocent 5 – guilty 6 – daily
7 – majority 8 –disastrous 9 –guilty 10 – chaotic 11 – earning
12 – economic 13 - infection14 - destroying 15- earnings 16 – disastrous
17- destruction18 – weakness 19 – emotional 20 – motivate 21 – flexibility
22 – confidence

Q 1 : Choose the word between brackets :
1 – She works for a voluntary ………………. went into the festival .
( organize , organization , organizational )
2 – The job requires a high level of …………..………. ability .
( organize , organization , organizational )
3 - He always gives his help very ……………………….. .
( generosity , generosity , generously )
4 – The whole family was ……………… when he won the prize .
( astonish , astonished , astonishment )
5 – The …………………..……… of the dam coasted two million J.D .
( construct , construction , constructed )
6 - The earthquake caused terrible …………..…….. across the country .
( destroy , destruction , destroyed )
7 – He always gives his help very ……………………….. .
8 – My uncle was so ………. that he bought presents for everybody .
( generous , generosity , generously )
9 – It is time to think ………. about the problem of air pollution .
10 – Because the government is fully aware of the…………. of the disease , it has
opened extra medical centers in different regions .
( serious , seriousness , seriously )
11 – Ysmeen can ………..……… French , but she can not speak it .
12 – The language of the report is beyond the ……………..… of most of the readers .
( understand , understandable , understanding )
13 – My brother told me that he has no …….……. with those who don't even try .
14 – I really admire my graduation as he is always …………. with his graduation .
( patient , patiently , patience )
15 – The lecture had a strong …………..…………. on the students .
16 – Did she ………………… the audience with her good behaviors ?
( impress , impression , impressive )
أسئلة سنوات سابقة
17 – To ………………………………..… people to make them I behave I away that
is accepted in their communities .
18 – When the public and private sectors of any ………………..… work together
they share responsibility and ensure success .
( society , social , socialize )
19 – The tourist decided to visit Wadi Rum after reading an …… about it
20 – It is really expensive to …………………………… on television .
( advertise , advertised , advertisement )
21 – The ……………. of the fundraising event has been left to Khaleel .
22 – I have to get …………………..……… and get something done .
23 – We need to ……….. our thoughts before we begin to speak .
( organization , organized , organize )
24 – In the 21st century many people may use new sources of………………. .
25 – The workers of the factory were so ……………. in doing heir job .
( energetic , energetically , energy )
الحل :
Q 1 :
1 – organization 2 – organizational 3– generously
4 – astonished 5- construction 6 – destruction 7 – generously
8 – generous 9 – seriously 10 – seriousness 11 – understand
12 – understanding 13 – patience 14 – patient 15 – impression
16 – impress 17 – socialize 18 society –19 – advertisement
20 – advertise 21 – organization 22– organized 23 – organize 24 – energy
25 – energetic
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الكلمات الدلالية
شرح ، درس ، DERIVATION ، اشتقاق ، الكلمات ، مادة ، اللغة ، الانجليزية ، للثاني ، الثانوي ،

الساعة الآن 02:14 PM